College Details

IFHE Campus, Donthanapally, Shankarapalli Road, Hyderabad - 501203, Telangana, India. , Hyderabad, Telangana

ICFAI University

In recognition of exemplary contribution made by ICFAI Case Research Center towards Case Method, The “Thought Leadership Award” was conferred to ICFAI on 22nd February 2017 by Baroness Verma and Lord Hastings, who is heading KPMG as Global Head of Corporate Citizenship & Lord at House of Lords. The presentation ceremony was held at the Hotel Mayfair, London. Prof Debapratim Purkayastha, Associate Dean, received the award on behalf of ICFAI Case Research Center.

ICFAI has also been recognized as a “Great Place to Study” on 23rd February, 2017 at the historic House of Commons, London, United Kingdom. The award was presented by Baroness Verma, Chairman of Lords European External Affairs Committee and Member of Lords EU Select Committee to ICFAI Group represented by Mr Sudhakar Rao, Director - Branding.